What Wings of Fire Dragon are You?

This quiz is a fun Wings of Fire quiz, to see which dragon you are! The options to get are, Sunny, Clay, Tsunami, Glory, Starflight, Moonwatcher, and Qibli!

*This is my first quiz, so please don't hate it.* I worked super hard on this (JK it took me like a half hour!!) But I hope you really enjoy my quiz!!

Created by: Marybeary
  1. You see a dragon behind you about to kill you. What do you do?
  2. Time for dinner! What do you eat?
  3. You meet a dragon at Jade Mountain that you really like. What do you do?
  4. You were kidnapped by a dragon. What do you do?
  5. Your house is burning down, and you only get to save one thing from the fire. What is it?
  6. What's your favorite color?
  7. You get a choice of what kingdom to go to. Which one?
  8. You have just found out that you are in a VERY IMPORTANT prophecy. What's your reaction?
  9. What is your favorite Wings of Fire Ship?
  10. Do you read Wings of Fire?

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Quiz topic: What Wings of Fire Dragon am I?

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