Which Dragonet of Destiny are you?

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This quiz is a quick pick of what Dragonet of Destiny you might be. Not much about it. Really there is only 10 questions involved sooooo yeah. Btw this is my first quiz

This only includes the dragons, Sunny, Clay, Glory, Tsunami and Starflight. This also will be my only quiz for now. Thank you for understanding! Ps I might make more.

Created by: VibrantVoice945
  1. Hello and welcome to my quiz! This is my first one so I hope you enjoy, also the images I put in the quiz are not owned by me now lets get started, shall we?
  2. Your stuck in the Skywing arena and your sentenced to fight! What do you do?
  3. You realized your a heir to a throne! Whats your first thought?
  4. Your father is an animus and you meet him in Jade Mountain for the first time, his scales are stone and hes mopping on the ground. What is your first though
  5. Your forced to choose and Sandwing queen to stop a war. Which one do you choose?
  6. Your going to challenge the Rainwing queen for her throne! What challenge would you pick first?
  7. Which lyrics in the Dragonets song do you like?
  8. What would people describe you as?
  9. If you were to have a dream friend what would they be like?
  10. Now, Did you enjoy this quiz? Btw this was my first one (Does not affect final answer)

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Quiz topic: Which Dragonet of Destiny am I?
