What warrior cat manga you should read?

find out your manga from taking this short quiz! i really hope you will enjoy this quiz cause now i have horrible posture from writing this ouch anyway

should i make more warriors quizs such as fanfics? if you want me to just chat on my pintrest my name on pintrest is willow feltner hope to make more quizs ands are you ready to start the quiz?

Created by: Sage wing
  1. what series are you on?
  2. what is your favorite warrior cat out of these cats?
  3. what type of cats would you prefer?
  4. do you prefer short or long mangas?
  5. are you okay with gore?
  6. what is your favorite clan?
  7. are you able to buy expensive stuff?
  8. did you like me quiz?
  9. should i make some warrior quizs? like fanfics?
  10. are you ready to see your manga?

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