what warrior cat are you?

This is a test to see how you would survive in the wild as a cat. would you kill to get what you want? Or would you just get it in battle or hard work? Three cats... one for you.

in this great quiz, you get to see out of these three cats, which one are you? Are you a killer? Or are you a loyal warrior to the warrior code and your leader? find now in this great quiz!

Created by: kathryn
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. your first mate disobeys orders, you respond by?
  2. You are told to kill a cat from a different Clan. But the cat is your friend
  3. you are being attacked by ThunderClan while taking care of the kittens, what do you do?
  4. you want to be deputy, what do you do to catch the leaders eye?
  5. a Clan calls for a cease fire, and you're leader, you?
  6. you're a loner and you need to make dirt, were do you go?
  7. you find a shiny object. What do you do?
  8. you find fresh, syrupy, crispy, fluffy, golden waffles, just sitting there. What do you do?
  9. whats your pelt color?
  10. whats you're favorite hobby?
  11. you are a dark forest cat, and you won the battle against the Clans, you are now the ruler of all the cats. What will you do to rule them?

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Quiz topic: What warrior cat am I?