How much do you know about warrior cats

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AAAAAH! WILD CATS ARE CHASING ME! HELP,HELP,HELP! THEY BITE, AND SCRATH, HISS, AND YOWL! THEY are attacking us humans! OOF! Please do not look up the answers. Use your brains that I know you all have!

What's that I hear? WILD CATS attacking? Oh look! They're warrior cats! And it looks like you've been in their territory! To get out take this awesome quiz, and see what you know about these WILD creatures!

Created by: Ava!
  1. Was firesrar a kittypet?
  2. How did feathertail die?
  3. Who is the author?
  4. Is there more than one series?
  5. Who is Fiestars mate?
  6. Who were the three?
  7. Who were the cats who killed spottedleaf. One when she was living, one when she died in starclan.
  8. Who were crowfeathers three mates?
  9. How did firesrar lose his last life?
  10. Who is NOT a warrior cat?

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Quiz topic: How much do I know about warrior cats

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