What type of WOF hybrid type are you?

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This is a Wing of fire quiz where you will answer questions and after the short test you will find out between 3 hybrids. Sorry if it's not as good as the other it's my first one!

I hope you enjoy this quiz I put some hard work in it and thought. Hopefully this quiz is successful. This is not the most best quiz, I know that but still have fun! =D

Created by: BlackIce
  1. Your sibling is being bullied what do you do?
  2. Your parents die during a battle in the Sand Wing Succession and you are the only survivor, what do you do?
  3. What's your favorite color?
  4. If you were to choose a hybrid name what would it be?
  5. Your favorite food is...
  6. You find a scavenger in the Jade mountain academy, you ...
  7. You read a scroll on?
  8. Your first pet is a ...
  9. You want to be described as the ...?
  10. You like ...... the most

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Quiz topic: What type of WOF hybrid type am I?
