What WoF tribe are you?

It will tell you what wings of fire tribe you are. It includes Pyrrhian and Pantalan tribes. No hybrids but if you want a hybrid then take the quiz a second time. Make sure on your second time pick different choices!

Hope you like it! This is my first quiz so it might not be so good. Plz follow me and I you do I would be so happy. Thank you so much for taking my quiz and I will make more soon!

Created by: WingsOfWarriors
  1. What is your favorite tribe (Pyrrhia only)
  2. Fav Pantalan tribe?
  3. Fav dragon out of these
  4. Favorite Pyrrhian Queen
  5. Who would you want to be related to?
  6. Pick a color
  7. Choose an animal you would have as a pet
  8. Pick a Flower
  9. Nails?
  10. Whats your Hair color?

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Quiz topic: What WoF tribe am I?
