Leafwing hybrids from Wings of Fire

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Hello! I am sure we all have read the amazing Wings of Fire book series. It is amazing I know. I hope for you to enjoy my quiz on "What Leafwing hybrid are you?"

I have not added some hybrid forms, but just the ones I could get pictures of. I hope that you enjoy because I worked for 1hour and 45 minutes! I hope you enjoy!

Created by: Mistymind
  1. What is your favorite color? *Hides behind Sundew*
  2. If Darkstalker strolls up to you and says, "I am here for your friend to lure you to my house." What do you do?
  3. You are being attacked and are out numbered. What do you do?
  4. What part of nature do you like most?
  5. How do you like school? *Sorry*
  6. Are you a good drawer?
  7. Do you want to travel?
  8. What is your spirit animal?
  9. What is your wish
  10. What is your dream job?
  11. How did you like this quiz? (It has no effect)
  12. Thanks for doing the quiz! (Again has no effect on the result.)

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