Which Wings of Fire Queen are You?

I love Wings of Fire, so I decided to do a quiz on it! I hope this gets people to read Wings of Fire. It's a very good book series, but not a lot of support was with it.

If you don't read Wings of Fire, or just started it... spoilers! Please don't take this quiz if you haven't read the whole series, or else... I ruined a lot of things for you...!

Created by: PePpA pIg
  1. What season do you like the most?
  2. Which do you pick?
  3. Which do you do?
  4. Which tribe are you in?
  5. Are you nice? Be honest!
  6. Pick a place.
  7. Indoors or outdoors?
  8. Do you believe in dragons?
  9. Do you have your love of your life yet?
  10. Did you like this quiz?

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Quiz topic: Which Wings of Fire Queen am I?
