What type of Liberal Democrat are you?

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This test will sort you into different types of Liberal Democrat. In case you aren't aware, the Liberal Democrats are the third biggest (by vote share) party in the UK. Whilst relatively small, there's still a good amount of diversity among them.

While this test will act like you're a member of the Liberal Democrats, don't worry if you aren't a member or a supporter, it's all in good fun anyway.

Created by: Corwin of Mystery Link
(your link here more info)
  1. Which of these statements on the 2010 to 2015 Lib Dem - Tory Coalition is closest to your views?
  2. Which of these non-UK politicians do you like the most.
  3. Which of the following best matches your views on how to deal with the UK's housing crisis?
  4. Which of these UK PMs do you agree with most politically?
  5. Which of these statements best matches your views on the European Union?
  6. Which of the following statements most aligns with your views on trade unions?
  7. "Regulation in British society is out of control. The British government needs to get out of people's lives."
  8. Which of these statements best matches your views on how to tackle poverty?
  9. Which of the following countries best matches your ideal system of government?
  10. On a scale of 1 to 5, how much do you approve of Nick Clegg. 1 is not at all, 5 is very much.
  11. Should water, mail, energy and rail be nationalised.
  12. "Thatcher was a net positive"

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Quiz topic: What type of Liberal Democrat am I?

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