What Kind of Democrat are you?

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The Democratic Party is most certainly a big tent party and contains people with many different views. The goal of this test is to try to sort people into the different major ideological groups of the party and help to highlight the ideological differences and similarities between the party's different factions.

I did my best to select issues that show clear daylight between the different wings of the party and I also did my best to make sure that most mainstream views that Democrats hold on these issues were highlighted.

Created by: Vahal Nekaz
  1. Which of the following statements most accurately reflects your view on healthcare?
  2. Which of the following statements most accurately reflects your view on higher education?
  3. Which of these statements most accurately reflects your view on unions?
  4. Which of these statements most accurately reflects your view on taxes?
  5. Which of these statements most accurately reflects your view on abortion?
  6. Which of these statements most accurately reflects your view on guns?
  7. Which of these statements most accurately reflects your view on immigration?
  8. Which of these statements most accurately reflects your view on policing?
  9. Which of these statements most accurately reflects your view on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict?
  10. Which of these statements most accurately reflects your view on the war in Ukraine?
  11. Which of these politicians do you align with the most politically?

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Quiz topic: What Kind of Democrat am I?
