What political party in Switzerland is the closest to you ?

This quiz will tell you what party in Switzerland your political views seem to be closest to. It takes into account your social, economic, foreign and environmental views.

Do not take this quiz too seriously. I made it in quite a short amount of time, so it is not expected to be too accurate and tell you exactly which party you support.

Created by: Jonas
  1. Do you support an increase in the retirement age (e.g., to 67)?
  2. Should the federal government provide more financial support for public housing construction?
  3. Should the Government's ability to restrict private and economic life in the event of a pandemic be more limited?
  4. Should the state be more committed to equal educational opportunities (e.g., through subsidized remedial courses for students from low-income families)?
  5. Do you support efforts to house asylum seekers in centers outside Europe during the asylum procedure?
  6. Should more qualified workers from non-EU/EFTA countries be allowed to work in Switzerland ?
  7. Should cannabis use be legalized?
  8. Should a third official gender be introduced alongside "female" and "male"?
  9. Do you think it's right for same-sex couples to have the same rights as heterosexual couples in all areas?
  10. Do you support tax cuts at the federal level over the next four years?
  11. Are you in favor of introducing a minimum wage of CHF 4,000 for all full-time employees?
  12. Should the construction of new nuclear power plants in Switzerland be allowed again?
  13. Should Switzerland ban the registration of new passenger cars with internal combustion engines starting in 2035?
  14. Would you support a ban on single-use plastic and non-recyclable plastics?
  15. Should busy sections of highways be widened? (Add one more lane)
  16. Are you in favour of lowering the voting age to 16?
  17. Should the Swiss Armed Forces expand their cooperation with NATO?
  18. Should the Federal Council be allowed to authorize other states to re-export Swiss weapons in cases of a war of aggression in violation of international law (e.g., the attack on Ukraine)?
  19. Should Switzerland return to a strict interpretation of neutrality (renounce economic sanctions on Russia to a large extent)?
  20. Are you in favor of closer relations with the European Union (EU)?

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