What Type Of Boyfriend Are You?

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Hi there! Are you wondering what's the reason you ended up in this relationship in the first place? Well ill probably guess and say that it's your personality! (This is my first quiz ever, so I'm not quit familiar with how it works. Please don't judge me... OK??? XD)

This quiz will help you recognize what type of boyfriend you are that keeps the ladies wanna go out with you, or you're probably worried about your relationship and wanna know if you're right for her. Find out NOW...

Created by: AlbusDD
  1. Did you have female friends at school?
  2. You're walking in a mall and a girl accidentally bumps into you. What's your reaction?
  3. You're at a party, a girl you don't know comes over and asks you if you could act as if you where her boyfriend to make her ex jealous. What's your response?
  4. You're going on a road trip with your girlfriend and your friends. What are you doing throughout the whole trip?
  5. You're meeting her younger brother for the first time. How are you going to act?
  6. Its boys game night, and your girl messages you if you want to come over. What will you do?
  7. You plan on going out together, you're waiting for her to decide what to wear. She's done and asks your opinion. Good luck dude :p.
  8. Its date night, you're deep into a conversation, then suddenly the waiter gives her a drink and tells her it's from that one guy at the bar. How will you react?
  9. The night has begun, you're both tired and don't want sleep early. What will you do?
  10. You return home and you see that you're girl is sad and crying for a particular reason. How will you act?

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Quiz topic: What Type Of Boyfriend am I? You can find more quizzes like this one in our Dating Quiz category.
