How similar are you to me

Ok so wanna see if ur like me, then take this. But you don't know me. So. They're making me type more so. Uhm. Uhm. Um um. Hi. I'm saying random words now.

Idk what else to sayyy so ty for taking this I guess. They make me type more for some reason I will never understand so boring can we get this over with

Created by: Vic
  1. Hi
  2. What animal is closest to you
  3. How many frens you got
  4. Shy or no
  5. Most annoying thing
  6. Color
  7. Fav book series
  8. Music
  9. Choose a song lyric it doesn't matter if you know the song or not
  10. Snack
  11. What would make you feel the saddest
  12. Do you got anxiety
  13. Introvert extrovert, or ambivert
  14. Pokemon or no

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Quiz topic: How similar am I to me
