The random quiz 2

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This random quiz two, will show anybody how they feel today, I hope who ever is doing this quiz likes it, because this is my first 15 question quiz, and I was having fun while making it. :)

Oh yeah wanna check out if you are random? Well if you said yes then have fun and good luck if you said no, you are boring. :( But I know you are not boring. :)

Created by: Cydney

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Hi, this is my second random test, so enjoy. :D
  2. You like ice-cream?
  3. What is your favorite colours?
  4. Do you have a boy friend?
  5. What if you turned into a boy right now?
  6. What are you doing?
  7. What are you wearing? (If you are not wearing one of these, then say something you want to wear)
  8. .
  9. Do you like a boy? (As in a crush)
  10. And the question before yes I am a girl.
  11. Are you liking this quiz?
  12. Are you getting bored?
  13. Did you like this quiz?

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