what t.v. show do you belong on?

haven't you always wondered if you would make a good actor or actress? well here you can find out what t.v. show you belong to!i hope this quiz will help you on your jouney to acting.

are you sonsidering acting classes? well if you are and you are just a beginer, take this quiz and see what show you should try practicing. i wonder if this quiz will actually help people. that would be so cool if it did.

Created by: alyssa
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. how fun are you?
  2. when is your birthday
  3. who are you more like?
  4. who is cuter
  5. what would you rather do
  6. what is your favorite season
  7. what scares you more?
  8. do you sleep with a night light
  9. i am done with this quiz yet
  10. do you think this is the stupidest quiz you ever took

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Quiz topic: What t.v. show do I belong on? You can find more quizzes like this one in our Television Quiz category.