What six minutes character are you?

Six minutes is an amazzing, child friendly podcast about a girl who finds herself in the ocean with no memory. A family adopts the girl and she soon has

to learn the secrets about her past. While the girl is the main character, there and other really good ones too. (I couldn't include K.C. I'm sorry). thanks!

Created by: mysterygirl
  1. A girl is on a whale watching boat with her parents and her brother. She climbs nearer to the edge to see the whales. Her brother warns her not to. Suddently, she falls in! She is quickly rescued, but says she saw a girl in the water! The brother dives in to save this girl, and is also rescued with the girl in his arms. Who are you in this situation?
  2. Upon further inspection, they see that the girl is alive! They rush her to the hospital, and the doctor says she will be fine. However, she has amnesia and doesn't remember who she is! The parents say to the brother and sister that they will say they are her family until she regains her memory. How do you respond?
  3. The parents take the girl home. All she remembers is that her name is Holiday. you think....
  4. A year has passed. Holiday has become part of the family! It's her 1st day of school, and she meets a popular girl who is quite nosy and a bit rude. Who are you?
  5. Holiday is very smart, like a physics textbook, but knows nothing about physics! How do you feel?
  6. A oboe class, Holiday knows how to play the oboe beautifully, despite NEVER taking lessons.
  7. Holiday learns the entire french language overnight.
  8. Holiday suspects she is a WIT kid. A geneticly modified child with superhuman abilities. How do you react?
  9. Holiday learns that she is a robot. Yet she has human DNA, enough so that she is a LIVING THING. she finds out that before she lost her memory, she was part of the four.
  10. The four ruined the missions of a cruel company. At the end, the sister (Not holiday, the other sister) Takes control over the company at just 11.
  11. Now time to identify characters. who do you think you are?

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Quiz topic: What six minutes character am I?
