Who are you in Six Minutes?

Do you like Six Minutes? I do too! Start the quiz here! You can become Holiday, Cyrus, Birdie, Brinleigh, Badger, Camila, Or Adam! Now start the awesome quiz!

What are you waiting for? Go for it! I said go for it! Start da quiz! Your answer awaits! still reading this? I SAID GO! Leave! Vamos! Adios! GOODBYE!

Created by: Schmoops
  1. What superpower do you want?
  2. Choose one:
  3. What does your wardrobe look like?
  4. Favorite color?
  5. Favorite character in Six Minutes?
  6. Favorite food?
  7. Cyrus/Casy or Brinleigh/Cyrus?
  8. Pick a sentence:
  9. How would you rate this quiz? (this does not affect results)
  10. Say bye! (this does not affect results)

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Quiz topic: Who am I in Six Minutes?
