What Jessie Character Are You?

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What character are you from like Jessie, are you like Ravi, Luke, Zuri, Emma, Or are you like the spectacular Jessie her self. Find out which character you are from this funny and amazing series.

Jessie was a popular kids/pre-teen character when it first came out. The story is based around a Texas teen who goes to New York in search of a big job, and finds herself working for the Ross family.

Created by: Victorious Jessie
  1. What is your favorite thing to do on a Saturday night?
  2. What is your favorite colors out of these?
  3. What is your gender?
  4. What type of clothes do you wear on a normal day?
  5. What's a hobby of yours?
  6. What is yore favorite out of these things?
  7. If you were a super hero what would you be like.
  8. Did you enjoy this quiz?
  9. Which snack out of these is your favorite?
  10. What kind of music is your favorite?

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Quiz topic: What Jessie Character am I?
