What should get my loved one for christmas?

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Wondering what to get your loved one for Christmas? I understand, and have come up with the perfect quiz for you! Don't be surprised when people start saying you give the best gifts!

Overall, this project was enjoyable and will challenge your knowledge while offering thoughtful gift ideas specifically designed for your loved ones. Have fun!

Created by: Nora
  1. Welcome here! What is your relationship with your loved one?
  2. How do they like to spend their time?
  3. How would you describe them in three words?
  4. What kind of music do they like?
  5. What is their favorite color?
  6. What is your favorite thing about them?
  7. What are they doing at an amusement park?
  8. Describe their style
  9. Are they introverted or extroverted?
  10. How do you like my quiz so far?

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