What set of DND dice are you?

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What set of DnD dice are you? Answer questions about your characters, play style, and IRL behavior to reveal the truth about who you are in the only way that matters: DICE!

Will you be the classic Chessex dice set? The very intentional themed resin dice set? Perhaps you're as edgy as a sharp-edge set. Maybe you're the next-level DnD player: the gemstone dice! Or are you the super-cool metal dice? Take the quiz to find out.

Created by: hillhopbeanbop
  1. When purchasing a new set of dice, what's most important to you?
  2. Your characters tend to lean a bit more...
  3. Pick a class, any class!
  4. Which ability score are you dumping?
  5. What do you name your character?
  6. What is your top priority in-game?
  7. Your character walks into a tavern. What do you do?
  8. Shopping sesh! What does your character buy?
  9. What are you doing while the DM has their attention on another player?
  10. Oh s--- - your character just rolled a third failed death saving throw. What do you do?

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Quiz topic: What set of DND dice am I?
