Medieval Battle

In this battle you will make decisions which will determine your fate. Pick carefully. You'll also need to find a app for randomly rolling two six-sided dice or used two actual dice

Medieval combat could be deadly but wasn't always. Definitely not as they show in the movies. Certain weapons worked just as well as a good sword and sometimes armor could be a hindrance rather than help. Though it was usually good to be armored.

Created by: Darren
  1. You are rated 1 to 5 in Strength, Agility, and tactics. Each point in tactics up to a score of 3 costs 3 points. To go up one from a 3 or 4 costs 4 points. Each in strength or agility cost 2. To go from 3 to 4 or 4 to 5 costs 3 points. Keep track of your scores. You have 23 points. If your strength and Agility are tied pick one or the other when answering which ability is highest.
  2. Pick your weapon. Remember if it uses two hands.
  3. Pick your armor. Note its size.
  4. Do you use a shield? Only if used a one handed weapon or didn't use two hands for a 1 handed weapon which you will still have that choice.
  5. Your strength plus your tactics
  6. Use a one handed weapon with 2 hands?
  7. Your agility. -2 for heavy armor, -1 medium armor, +0 for light armor or +1 no armor. +1 for small sheild or no sheild
  8. Roll or generate the roll of 2 six sided dice.
  9. Tactics score?
  10. How do you fight?
  11. Roll 2 dice again.
  12. Roll 2 dice again.
  13. Double your strength plus your agility ×1.

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