Medieval Life For You

This quiz determines how you will die if you lived in medieval times. It may also determine a few other things like when you die. As in how old you are.

You you have six scores based on a popular role-playing game. They are strength intelligence wisdom dexterity Constitution and charisma. Use a random die generator or three six sided dice to determine each score. Do not use a random number generator that generates a number 3 to 18. You need three dice one through six or a random generator that generates a number one through six three times.

Created by: Punished
  1. What class are you? Beggar, low, middle, high, noble, royalty. Roll 100?
  2. What is your job?
  3. What is your job?
  4. Add your intelligence, wisdom and charisma.. Divide by 3 and round according.
  5. There is a revolt. The King seems likely to prevail but the local lord demands loyalty. The Lord has amassed a good sized army. About 60% of the people in the town are going with the rebel lord. What do you do?
  6. The church is wary of witches. How do you deal with a friend who has been accused unfairly of witchcraft?
  7. Roll two dice.
  8. Take your strength x2, dex x1, and constitution x2. Divide by 5 round according.
  9. Roll 2d6
  10. You are in danger of being flogged or even hanged for something a noble you know actually did. You have liked them for the most part until now when they are letting you take the blame. What do you do?
  11. Roll 2d6
  12. Roll charisma x2 plus int, wis and con รท5.

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