What Selection Character are You? (Elite)

This quiz will tell you which Elite girl you are from the Selection series. There are a lot of girls you could get and I hope you get the result you want. Enjoy!

The six girls are Kriss Ambers, Celeste Newsome, America Singer, Elise Whisks, Marlee Tames/Woodwork, and Natalie Luca. If you've read it you might have an idea of who you got.

Created by: Hannah
  1. What three words best describe you? (If you need to, grab a friend!)
  2. What is your favorite color?
  3. What dress would you most likely wear?
  4. Who would you most likely make a sacrifice for?
  5. How would you most likely introduce yourself to the prince?
  6. What color hair do you have?
  7. Do you like people?
  8. Which quote is your favorite?
  9. What is your eye color?
  10. What caste would you be in?

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Quiz topic: What Selection Character am I? (Elite)
