What's Your Spirit Animal?

You can have a wide variety of spirit animals if you just do this quiz. From amphibians to birds, ah, but there aren't every animal, like, no arachnids. I used up all of the room! Waah! Waaah!


Created by: Don'tWannaShareIt
  1. Which below do you like most?
  2. Note: ONLY IF YOU ANSWERED MAMMAL ABOVE. If you answered "Mammal", be more specific. Tell me what kind of mammal:
  3. Note: ONLY IF YOU ANSWERED BIRD ABOVE. If you answered "Bird" above, be more specific:
  4. Sorry, there aren't very many questions. It's not really too good, but I hope you got what you wanted. (I suppose you did.)
  5. Uh...
  6. These questions are needed to publish the quiz, so I'm just adding them randomly.
  7. These questions are needed to publish the quiz, so I'm just adding them randomly.
  8. These questions are needed to publish the quiz, so I'm just adding them randomly.
  9. These questions are needed to publish the quiz, so I'm just adding them randomly.
  10. These questions are needed to publish the quiz, so I'm just adding them randomly.

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Quiz topic: What's my Spirit Animal?
