Whats your spirit animal

Hello so this quiz is about you who turns into an animal and you have to figure out what animal you have been turned into it’s really fun. So plz try.

Um hello it’s Quiz_master_07 here and just noting that the animals are a Lion, a frog, a wolf, a falcon, a Fox, a walrus, a monkey, and a rabbit. So... hope you have a good time? Sorry I didn’t use cat I wanted to use only wild animals.

Created by: Quiz_master_07
  1. What’s your IQ
  2. What’s your fave color
  3. Who can you defend your house against
  4. What’s your age
  5. Who are you at school
  6. What’s the weirdest last name
  7. What’s your fave animal
  8. Also what’s the best first name for an animal
  9. It’s your final stand what do you do?
  10. Bye bye it of final day of being an animal what do you do

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Quiz topic: Whats my spirit animal
