What's your Psychedelic Rock sub-genre?

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The is a quiz, that continues on the previous quiz, [no urls] for people who achieved psychedelic rock as their genre. So answer the ten questions, and see what you get!

Psychedelic rock is a loose form of rock music, characterized by long musical structures, studio effect, drug like lyrics, and other sorts of thing, enjoy :)

Created by: Ryan
  1. If you were to write a song write now, what would you write?
  2. Apart from psychedelia , what's your favourite genre?
  3. How do you normally dress?
  4. What do you think of today's music?
  5. What is an essential part of an song?
  6. What's your most listened decade?
  7. What is your venue of choice?
  8. Choose a song!
  9. Why are you taking this quiz?
  10. Pick an album!

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Quiz topic: What's my Psychedelic Rock sub-genre?

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