What Metal Genre Are You?

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A personality test that finds your genre in metal. I have to fill there so I'm gonna suggest you bands. So, black metal is my fav genre so I'm gonna start with it. Go to next paragraph if you give a sh**.

In black metal my fav sub genre is DSBM and if you want to try it (you must try it) I can suggest you Nocturnal Depression, Thy Light, Apati, Psychonaut4, Cursed In Eternity, My Useless Life and oh, its already 211 characters so I can go. Bye!

Created by: Duru of my spotify account if you like to visit
(your link here more info)
  1. First of all, how do your friends describe you?
  2. What drink do you prefer ?
  3. POV: Your girlfriend/boyfriend cheated on you, what would you do?
  4. What do you think about other peoples opinions about you?
  5. What do you think about people?
  6. What is music for you?
  7. Do you have beliefs?
  8. What is your relationships like?
  9. Are you jealous?
  10. Which music genre you love most instead of metal? (Or which one would you listen?)

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Quiz topic: What Metal Genre am I?
