What metal genre are you?

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Metal. What is it? How does it define the world we live in? Such questions are frequently asked, but never truly answered. In modern society metal seems to have been forgotten. But I say nay, metal is thriving. Just look around. Metal is everywhere. You just need to have the right eyes, and the proper mindset to see it.

Are you metal enough to realize how metal the world is? The quiz will determine you metal genre type, and maybe, help you realize how metal YOU are. For one's own self is truly the most metal part of this world.

Created by: Metal Man
  1. You see a stray dog begging for food. What do you do?
  2. Somebody just pushed you. Fight back!
  3. Help! Somebody stole her purse!
  4. You are at a concert.
  5. When going out, what is your typical attire?
  6. When around friends, you typically drink?
  7. If you could be any animal, what would it be?
  8. Which of the basic elements would you like to control.
  9. You are going out to eat. Where do you go?
  10. Which instrument do you prefer?

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Quiz topic: What metal genre am I?