Rock & Roll Quizzes
Rock music burst into popularity in the 1950s, although the genre actually began as early as the 30s. Common rock themes center around rebellion against sexual, societal, and political standards of the time. The standard rock band features at least one guitarist, drummer, bass guitar, and singer. Many rock bands cross over into standard pop, so check our pop music page if you don't find what you're looking for here.
In addition to straight rock and roll, we are also building dedicated pages for classic rock, heavy metal, punk, and more. Rock fans, see how you measure up against the quizzes below.
Our Rock Quizzes
- Which Seattle Band Are You?[by: Stephen Tow, rated: 3.04rated: 3.04/5, published: Oct 9, 2011]
How does your personality equate to a Seattle band? Will you end up as a Pearl Jam, a Soundgarden, a Nirvana, or perhaps a more obscure but just as…
- What Rock Genre Are You?[by: Josh Wallace, rated: 3.92rated: 3.92/5, published: Sep 17, 2014]
Rock Music is the music that started all music. The only older genre is classical (blech.). And rock music has come so far. If you like rock music, come over…
- What Type Of Fall Out Boy Fan Are You?[by: xxtime2dancexx, rated: 3.72rated: 3.72/5, published: Dec 7, 2011]
There are many different types off Fall Out Boy fans. Some are crazy, some are down to earth, and a whole lot are in between. If you are a fan of Fall Out…
- What song are you (Metal, hard rock, soft rock)[by: dan, rated: 3.69rated: 3.69/5, published: Jan 22, 2009]
MUSIC SONGS! THE SONG THAT DESCRIBES YOU!!! Trivium, Bullet For My Valentine, Metallica, Red Jumpsuit Apparatus, Rev Theory, or Nirvana. Which band made the…
- Which band should you listen to?[by: Synystergates, rated: 3.63rated: 3.63/5, published: May 27, 2017]
There are a lot of bands on this earth. If you are a music lover and that you are in a lot of fanbases, you know the feeling of finding a band that matches…
- What type of rock band should you form?[by: kurt, rated: 3.59rated: 3.59/5, published: Apr 21, 2007]
Rock is a common and popular form of music. There are also many forms of rock that vary in lyrical topics and musical style. Many people who like rock music…
- What Rock Instrument Are You?[by: PishPosh, rated: 3.58rated: 3.58/5, published: Jun 18, 2010]
Do you like rock music? Have you ever imagined yourself as a Rock Star? Do you drink Rock Star energy drinks? Okay, this quiz has nothing to do with…
- Which Guns N' Roses album are you?[by: adnan, rated: 3.55rated: 3.55/5, published: Jul 11, 2006]
Ever wanted to find out what GN'R record you most resembled? Are you AFD, UYI 1 or 2, or are you the 2 EP Lies? Find out in this quiz! (Spaghetti Incident…
- How well do you know Cheap Trick?[by: Zobbin Rander, rated: 5rated: 5/5, published: Aug 3, 2017]
Cheap Trick are a popular and influential rock band who got their start in the 1970s and are still together, performing and releasing new music today.
- What Alternative Rock/Rock subgenre are you?[by: Finn Habedank, rated: 4.38rated: 4.38/5, published: May 30, 2017]
Take this quiz.... If you answer seriously you'll get a serious answer if you don't then don't get mad when you don't get what you want mate XD X3....
- Which Red Hot Chili Peppers Member Do You Fall In Love With?[by: Hinderlove, rated: 4.36rated: 4.36/5, published: May 15, 2018]
Have you ever wondered which member of the Red Hot Chili Peppers you would fall in love with If so take this quiz to find out. This quiz is the place for…
- How well do you know Fall Out Boy lyrics?[by: Ash, rated: 4.09rated: 4.09/5, published: Apr 3, 2018]
Even real Fallout Boy fans might not score 100% on this quiz. Do your best.
- What's your Psychedelic Rock sub-genre?[by: Ryan, rated: 4rated: 4/5, published: Mar 30, 2021]
Psychedelic rock is a loose form of rock music, characterized by long musical structures, studio effect, trippy lyrics, etc, please enjoy :)
- How well do you know Guns N' Roses?[by: Saul Hudson, rated: 3.56rated: 3.56/5, published: Jan 21, 2018]
I enjoy listening to and playing Guns N Roses. When I play live I usually play 1 or 2 songs of them at least. I have a passion for the band and I wanted you…
- How Well Do You Know Your Pink Floyd?[by: Juan Clegg, rated: 3.5rated: 3.5/5, published: Dec 9, 2017]
Pink Floyd was a huge force in music from the late 1960s onwards and continues to acquire new fans all the time, despite not having performed as a group since…
- What Bon Jovi Song Are You?[by: Angel, rated: 3.45rated: 3.45/5, published: Mar 31, 2007]
Which Bon Jovi song best describes your personality? Wanna know? TAKE THE QUIZ! You may be surprised what you can find out about yourself in one silly little…
- Which famous guitarist are you?[by: Zac VanSchoyck, rated: 3.4rated: 3.4/5, published: Aug 7, 2006]
We all know of a few guitarists...But which one are you? Take this quiz to find out! Only you, the quiz taker, can really guess which one you are. What are…
- What Alternative Rock Band Should You Listen To?[by: subtopewdiepie, rated: 3.37rated: 3.37/5, published: Feb 10, 2019]
Alternative rock is an upbeat genre that grew popular in the 90's and early 00's. While the genre isn't as popular as it used to be, it's still 100% worth the…
- What Smiths song are you?[by: darkisis, rated: 3.34rated: 3.34/5, published: Mar 8, 2008]
The Smiths... has a greater band ever existed? Biting but tender, melancholy but facetious, melodramatic but witty, the Smiths were queer and indie before it…
- What Lifehouse Song Are You?[by: Colin, rated: 3.29rated: 3.29/5, published: Apr 13, 2008]
Lifehouse is an awesome band and have been around for almost a decade. Don't you agree? They have released a few hits, each one meaningful as the next. Take…
- What rock song are you?[by: KBlue, rated: 3.25rated: 3.25/5, published: Dec 21, 2011]
You jump up and down, feeling the adrenaline rushing through you. You take deep breaths, and drink lots of water. Your friends are the same, well-almost. One…
- Which Aerosmith album are you?[by: Sissy, rated: 3.25rated: 3.25/5, published: Jul 8, 2006]
Music for many is a form of therapy. So think of this quiz as a quick diagnosis. Are you a dreamer, a slacker, self-absorbed, or a little eccentric? The…
- What Bon Jovi Member Are You?[by: Paige, rated: 3.2rated: 3.2/5, published: Apr 4, 2007]
Bon Jovi is a great rock band. One of the most appreciated in the business. All of the band members have their own personality and opinions, yet they work…
- What Nirvana Song Are You?[by: Kurt, rated: 3.19rated: 3.19/5, published: Nov 2, 2007]
What Nirvana song are you? Nirvana is one of the greatest rock bands from America in all of rock's history. They have many great songs, even though some…
- Which Nick Cave Song Are You?[by: SparklyScarlett, rated: 3.16rated: 3.16/5, published: Feb 22, 2007]
Nick Cave is an Australian singer, writer, movie producer, and founder of Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds. He has been known to cover a broad range of topics and…
- How Well Do You Know Dave Matthews Band?[by: Cindi, rated: 3.07rated: 3.07/5, published: Jun 30, 2007]
What kind of DMB fan are you? This quiz will set the truly obsessed DMB worshippers apart from those who show only a passing interest in the world's best…
- Which Marilyn Manson Era Are You?[by: Moses, rated: 3.04rated: 3.04/5, published: Sep 4, 2006]
There are many smart people, but few true geniuses. Marilyn Manson is a Genius. After all he has put out 5 albums and whith each album there is an era. This…
- Evanescence Quiz![by: Hope, rated: 3.04rated: 3.04/5, published: Feb 7, 2011]
Evanescence is mostly Amy Lee(lead singer). Her tones, music, and messages speak volumes. Do you love Evanescence? A better question: Do you know the lyrics?
- Fill In The FOB Lyrics[by: Bduff, rated: 2.95rated: 2.95/5, published: Feb 21, 2011]
Hey people. I did a small search and saw there were no Fall Out Boy specific lyric quizzes so I made one. Their lyrics are really good when properly understood.
- 1990s Rock Trivia Quiz[by: Shawn Lopes, rated: 2.85rated: 2.85/5, published: Jan 17, 2014]
The 1990s were a wild, barrier-breaking era for music. Hip-hop, metal, punk, grunge, house, dancehall and many other forms of music exploded in the Clinton…
- What Incubus member are you?[by: Mike, rated: 2.68rated: 2.68/5, published: Mar 24, 2007]
Incubus is a world famous band and happen to be my favorite among many. they are very unique and have their own sense of individuality. Their music is known…
- Are you an Industrial music fan?[by: Vox, rated: 2.67rated: 2.67/5, published: Oct 3, 2006]
Are you an Idustrial music fan or just think you are. Are you Have you hard of Skinny Puppy, Download, the Thrill Kill Kult? Or are you merely just a Nine…
- The Ultimate Ska Test[by: Jessi, rated: 2.59rated: 2.59/5, published: Dec 5, 2006]
A true ska fan knows the music, scene, and history of the genre. A true ska fan is unafraid. A true ska fan is a leader. Rude boys and girls, if you know you…
- ROCK MUSIC QUIZ[by: PETE, rated: 1.72rated: 1.72/5, published: Dec 17, 2006]
This is a quiz to test your knowledge of classic rock! If you are a fan of rock music from the 1960's, the 1970's, and/or the 1980's, this one is for you!
Classic Rock Quizzes
Find them on our Classic Rock page.
Heavy Metal Quizzes
Find them on our Heavy Metal page.
Punk Quizzes
- The Ultimate Punk Quiz![by: m.c, rated: 2.83rated: 2.83/5, published: Apr 3, 2007]
There are lots of punks in the world but not many punk experts! But if you think you got what it takes then check out my quiz! Some questions are difficult,…
- Punk Music Trivia[by: DJ Rossstar, rated: 2.75rated: 2.75/5, published: Apr 25, 2007]
This quiz is a test of your knowledge about the history of current punk. You don't need to know everything about a band to enjoy their music, however this is…
- Are You A True Punk or a FAKE?[by: Kris, rated: 1.86rated: 1.86/5, published: Jul 19, 2006]
PUNK is 'in' and it's meaning is 'out' or so it seems as more and more kids take on the name, slaughtering it's purpose and along with it the dedicated people…
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