Which Member Of Nirvana Are You?

Ah, so I see you've found your way into the Nirvana fanbase. Interesting place to be, isn't it? Considering you're here, I'm guessing you love these fellows near as much as I do. Please keep in mind this quiz is just for fun and not meant to be controversial in any way shape or form, or be a guide for someone's decisions or life choices.

Are you more like Krist, Kurt, or Dave? Find out by taking this quiz:) I can't promise accuracy with the personalities, of course, I don't know them personally and again this is just for fun.

Created by: kaylee
  1. I would describe my hand-eye coordination as...
  2. How much do you agree with the following statement?:I have very abstract thoughts and can put them into different scenarios that other people can find difficult to understand?
  3. How much do you agree with the following statement?:I often take a leadership role?
  4. I stand for the oppressed and am enraged by injustice.
  5. I always felt different growing up.
  6. If I get into fights, I know how to defend myself and I will most likely win.
  7. I would describe my physical appearance as...
  8. I am easily manipulated.
  9. Thoughts on men in dresses?
  10. I am very sentimental.
  11. And finally, what are your thoughts on kraft mac and cheese?

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Quiz topic: Which Member Of Nirvana am I?
