What's your love's name and tribe?

Hiiiiiii!This is a quiz that gives your Wings of Fire love a name and tribe.There are only 3 answers for each question.You might not want to do this if you don't like love.So,HAVE FUN!

CHOOSE WISE OR FACE CONSEQUENCES If you don't choose wisely, you will get a dragon you don't want.You might want to make up your own charecters.In the quiz,you are a male Skywing named Charcoal.

Created by: Titanic the Icewing
  1. Helllooooooooo.First question.What tribe do you like best?
  2. What do you like about your love?
  3. Where does your love come from?
  4. Does your love go to Jade Mountain Academy?
  5. Where do you come from?
  6. Do you go to JMA?
  7. Which of the DOD is your favorite character?
  8. What tribe are you?
  9. Are yo a Rainwing
  10. Do you want to love a dragon?

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Quiz topic: What's my love's name and tribe?
