Wings of Fire tribe quiz

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Welcome to our Wings of Fire quiz, made by: Nightshade the NightWing, Cedar the SeaWing and Cactus the SandWing. You can get any of the seven Pyrrian tribes from this quiz.

We suggest before taking this quiz, you read Wings of Fire books 1-5 as it will help you understand a little more about each tribe. Remember to answer what YOU would do, not what your favorite tribe would.

Created by: Nightshade of My website
(your link here more info)
  1. What's your personality like?
  2. What size wings do you have?
  3. Which queen do wish to serve?
  4. Where's your home in Pyrrhia?
  5. How do react when someone hurts your friend?
  6. What's your favorite season / weather?
  7. What's your favorite color? (or "What color are your scales?")
  8. When you grow up, what will you be?
  9. BAM! You've earned your favorite super power. What is it?
  10. (As a dragon), what foods do you like?

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