What's your ideal pet?

This quiz will accurately guess your perfect pet! It's like totally supercalifragilisticexpialidocious! And that's a mighty long word, earthling! I hope you enjoy it.

Actually no it won't, but it might. It just might Doc McStuffins lover. Quokka sedimentary weird strange thinking out loud ed Sheeran filler creepy vsauce

Created by: Space Face
  1. Why do you want a pet?
  2. Think out loud!
  3. What's your favorite color actually?
  4. What are your desired hobbies?
  5. Pretend you're in a life-or-death situation. What do you do?
  6. What do you love?
  7. What job do you want?
  8. Describe yourself.
  9. This is the second-to-last question. What do you think is the most offensive bad word?
  10. Last question! Did you enjoy this quiz?

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Quiz topic: What's my ideal pet?
