Which of my celebrity crushes is your soulmate?

I was really really really really reallllly realllllllly extremely bored please enjoy this was oddly time consuming. I’m also just trying to meet the word count so I can publish this

There is no scientific results to these answers whatsoever. I tried my best, the effort was there, but it is still 100% a hot mess like me. :) Still working on that word count

Created by: Kennedy
  1. What is your zodiac element?
  2. What is your soulmates element (btw each person you can get as a result is a different element)
  3. Pick a Trevor Wallace quote
  4. Choose a TikTok audio
  5. What’s 9+10? Wrong answers only
  6. Which of these embarrassing and stupid things that have happened to me would most likely happen to you?
  7. Which of these celebrities that I would trust with my life do you like the best
  8. Pick a TV show that I’ve watched at least three times
  9. Have you been practising social distancing?
  10. Pick a song from my top five most played songs recently, according to Spotify
  11. And lastly, what did you think of this quiz? All are valid answers

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Quiz topic: Which of my celebrity crushes is my soulmate?

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