What Risport skates should you get?

You need to have leggings, rockerz, edea overtures, Risport RF Light, Coronation Comet Blades.

Find out what you should get by taking this quiz!

Created by: Summer
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What best describes you?
  2. Besides Risport, which brand do you like best?
  3. What best describes your style?
  4. What is your favorite element?
  5. How do you learn new skating skills?
  6. Whats MOST important to you in a figure skate?
  7. Which shoes do you prefer most?
  8. What is your budget for a pair of boots?
  9. Do you compete?
  10. Can you do jumps of any kind?

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Quiz topic: What Risport skates should I get?