Which Corrie Star Are You?

There are many fabulous and classic characters in Corrie: Fred Elliot, Vera Duckworth, Gail Platt. But who are you? Are you sexy stylist, Maria Sutherland? Toxic Tracy, Demon David? This test will enable you to find out exactly which Coronation Street character are you.

Who do YOU resemble from soap, Coronation Street? Are you the person sat at a sewing machine or the person running the company? Are you the person pulling pints or the person gulping them down? Take this test to find out!

Created by: Sophie

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. You're writing a book. It's...
  2. Most of your stress comes from...
  3. You're last relationship ended because...
  4. Which would make you most angry...
  5. Generally, you are a happy person...
  6. People close to you say your best quality is...
  7. Your dreams usually consist of...
  8. The worst thing that happened to you...
  9. Your child tells you a very serious lie. You are most likely to say...
  10. You would say your family is...
  11. A good movie will...
  12. My enemies would say I am...
  13. If you would win any competition it would be...
  14. My dream partner will...
  15. I take precautions.
  16. If I hurt somebody then...
  17. My children...
  18. If I lived on Coronation Street, I'd live on...
  19. At a party I would...
  20. Your rolemodel...
  21. Commitment?
  22. If you were an animal, you would be...

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Quiz topic: Which Corrie Star am I?