What Pyhriran dragon are you?

So, this quiz is pretty much what WoF Pyhrrian tribe are you. I tried to make it as acurrate as possible, I've never made a quiz before sooooooo, ya...

This quiz is pretty easy and you'll probubly end up with the tribe that you want. There is some really random/weird questions, so ya, do good and stuff... Bye!

Created by: Blizzard
  1. What tribe do you want to get?
  2. What is your favorite ship from the 'lost continent' prophecy?
  3. What is your favorite color palette?
  4. What other ships do you like?
  5. Favorite queen?
  6. Favorite quote?
  7. Are we done?
  8. Last question! JK! HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!
  9. What is your favorite season?
  10. Last question!

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Quiz topic: What Pyhriran dragon am I?
