What pyrhrian dragon tribe are you?

Hello this is a pyhrian dragon quiz, it will not include any pantalan dragons. You will be one of the seven dragon tribes from pyhria, not including humans

If you are wondering or forgot the seven dragon tribes are seawing, skywing, mudwing, rainwing, icewing, sandwing and nightwing. I hope you enjoy this quiz

Created by: Someone
  1. Where do you feel most happy?
  2. What is your preferred food?
  3. Where do you take a vacation?
  4. What is you favorite activity?
  5. Choose a fate
  6. Do you like dragons?
  7. Do you like dragons or humans more?
  8. What tribe do you want to be?
  9. What power do you want to have?
  10. What weapon do you choose?

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Quiz topic: What pyrhrian dragon tribe am I?
