What WoF dragon am I? (Pyrrhia and Pantala)

There are ten possible tribes that you can get, MudWing, SandWing, SeaWing, SkyWing, IceWing, RainWings, NightWings, HiveWings, SilkWings, and LeafWings.

This is a 10 question quiz and PLEASE DO NOT lie JUST so you can get your preferred tribe. Please share your experience and your tribe in the comments! Thank you!

Created by: PumpkinNightHiveWing
  1. What power would you like to have?
  2. What weakness do you HATE the MOST?
  3. Are you an introvert, or an extrovert?
  4. What do you do in your free-time?
  5. Where would you like to live/go on vacation?
  6. What role would you like to have in the hierarchy of your kingdom?
  7. What month were you born?
  8. What is your favorite color?
  9. What color combo do you love the most?
  10. What is the rating you will give this quiz? (yes, I know, I ran out of ideas) Ready for the results?

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