What punishment do you deserve? (Male only)

Have you sometimes been bad. If you get warning, good.If grounded not good, but not bad, if minor spanking, not so bad.If major spanking, you have been bad.

If Ultimate Punishment you have been so bad and you payed for it. Hope you are never bad again no matter what result you get. Also comment what punishment you get.

Created by: Miro Atanasov
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is the worst thing you do this month?
  3. What is you score in school?
  4. Are sorry for your offense?
  5. Are you proud of your offense?
  6. Have you done it before?
  7. Will you do it again?
  8. What punishment do you think you deserve? (This is an opinion question, an estimate.) (Did not effect result)
  9. Did you think you deserve punishment? (Did not effect score)
  10. Will you take the punishment chosen by the quiz? (Did not effect score)

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Quiz topic: What punishment do I deserve? (Male only)

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