What Prom Dress Will You Wear (Pt. 2)

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What Prom Dress should you wear! Me and my sister love finding amazing dresses online, and decided to make another of these quizzes. A special shout out to GinnyWeasleyBi for asking for another one.

Make sure to take the first part of this quiz. I'm not aloud to put any urls so just look in new quizzes and you should find it :) We hope you enjoy. Rivers&Raven

Created by: Rivers&Raven
  1. Have you taken Part 1?
  2. Do you have a date for prom yet?
  3. What color would you want?
  4. Which of these words best describes you?
  5. What color is your hair?
  6. Will you wear makeup?
  7. What shoes will you wear?
  8. Will you wear jewelry?
  9. Are you going to dance?
  10. Skip

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Quiz topic: What Prom Dress will I Wear (Pt. 2)

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