What number from 1-10 are you?

Quiz-takers will get one of several different results based on how they fill out your quiz. Each result has a name and description. Please describe each result carefully and be sure to check for spelling and grammar errors. Result descriptions must be at least 120 characters long.You

Before the start of every quiz, there are two brief paragraphs explaining the quiz. These are an important "finishing touch" giving quiz-takers some background on your topic or info on what to expect from your quiz.

Created by: bob
  1. What gender are you?
  2. Are you a virgin?
  3. What's your body shape?
  4. Do you wear glasses?
  5. Finish the sentence: You are allergic to ---
  6. Cats or dogs?
  7. What does the fox say?
  8. Can you climb well?
  9. How fast are you?
  10. How smart are you?

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Quiz topic: What number from 1-10 am I?
