GEO - geological processes topic 3

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Created by: kit

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  1. What are the vast majority of rocks under ground subject to?
  2. Beds of rock can be influenced in 4 main ways, what happens when compression occurs?
  3. Describe folding
  4. describe faulting in compression
  5. what happens to rock bodies in extension?
  6. What happens during faulting in extension?
  7. what happens in strecthing in bed extension? This occurs in deep crust only
  8. Regarding folding, what are the 3 types of fold strcutures?
  9. What is an antiform?
  10. what is a neutral fold structure?
  11. And what resembles a synform fold structure?
  12. antiform structures can be describe as anticlines and synforms can be describe as synclines is what?
  13. antiform structures can be describe as anticlines and synforms can be describe as synclines is what?
  14. Fractures and faults, Which is not a type of fault?
  15. Describe a normal fault?
  16. describe a reverse fault
  17. what happens at a thrust fault?
  18. What happens at a lateral transcurrent face?
  19. what happens at an oblique fault
  20. What is a joint?
  21. There are 4 main types of joints, which is not one?
  22. Describe a primary joint
  23. What is a systematic joint?
  24. describe a weathering joint
  25. describe an exfoliation joint
  26. Fracture characterisation is an important skill, which is not something considered when analysising a fracture?
  27. Why are fractures a bad thing? One of these is wrong.
  28. Weathering, What brief defition best describes weatehring?
  29. there a 3 types of weatehring, which is not one?
  30. Water greatly increases the effect of weathering, why is this?
  31. Mechanical weathering, covers all but one of these?
  32. Which of the following is not a chemical weatehring process?
  33. Which is not a biological weathering process?
  34. Weathering is increased in what conditions?
  35. weathered rocks can erode into what?

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