What is your personality? (LONG RESULTS)

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There are four personality types, which one are you? Results give you an accurate description of your personality along with what colors, Disney characters, LOTR race, Hogwarts house, and element you are!

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Created by: cakes
  1. Favorite Color?
  2. Which of these is your favorite?
  3. You...
  4. Which season best REFLECTS your personality?
  5. You are mostly... (BE HONEST)
  6. Pick the one that describes you best:
  7. What do you struggle with?
  8. Are you flirty?
  9. What do people usually call you?
  10. Are you a girl or boy?
  11. If you had to be stereotyped?
  12. Who is your type?

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Quiz topic: What is my personality? (LONG RESULTS)
