What Nightwing power do you have?

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What Nightwing power do you deserve? Ten questions and results are animus mind reading foresight and none. Click a smiley rating! Enjoy the quiz! !!!!!!

This is my first quiz! Ignore these words you mean you deserve to die and die you deserve it and die you deserve a lot more attention and your life will be more than your mind if I do not die and I will never

Created by: Moonwatcher
  1. Fave tribe
  2. Choose one
  3. Fave character
  4. Which power?
  5. Moonwatcher
  6. Fill in questions
  7. Nbg
  8. Jhujhh
  9. Bgggg
  10. Hggggg
  11. How many books of wings of fire
  12. Personality
  13. Chance!
  14. Okay okay
  15. Choose one

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Quiz topic: What Nightwing power do I have?
