What Nightwing hybrid are you?

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Mangomoon Nightwing Rainwing here! Today we will find out which wings of fire hybrid you are! There are ten questions and I hope you enjoy the quiz! Please comment share and rate it.

Some of my creator names are StarquakeaNightwing Mangomoon Futureflight and Moonwatcher bye! Ignore gibberish fgghbgh Bgh T. Thnbbg I will be home by the end and will have a bite to eat at a place in a little while I’m still in a white area and a

Created by: Mangomoon
  1. So you are a hybrid
  2. What is your favourite colour
  3. And your fave animal out of the listed
  4. You and a hobby
  5. What is your fave food
  6. Do you have friends
  7. My creator names are Mangomoon Moonwatcher StarquakeaNightwing and Futureflight
  8. Yayaya
  9. Seeee looook
  10. Do you read wings of fire
  11. Cvgg

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Quiz topic: What Nightwing hybrid am I?
