What Nickname Suits Your Personality | Comments
Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz What Nickname Suits Your Personality.
lol... It said my name is Torn Apart Paper Yoyo
Stupid name, but it's still funny... =P
LoLz and you really thought we'd believe this crap?
(Awesome superheroine moment LoL)Bambi1 -
I got the same as love_mollie_do!!! Oh yeah, whatEVER bubblez!!! Ur weird, i hope u like being that way!!
smoochie cuddlekins? nobody who knows me would be stupid enough to call me that if they value their lives. this quiz is totally crap
same as dizzy
...Those are some weird nicknames....
it sucked ur left nut WTF, i thought boys had 1?
unless ur abnormal and f u r ...i apologize...seriously
Zuzu1 -
Where did he get these names from??? And smoochie cuddlekins? Wtf do not understand this quiz lol
Evildoom1 -
Gilbonzo-Fig-Cheesecake? I thought poo-ka-dump-a-doody was a bad name :T what the heck...
I hope he does.
gamerx1 -
Uhh.... Okay...
Lau1231 -
How about none of them :(
Derpface1 -
How about none of them :(
Derpface1 -
How about none of them :(
Derpface1 -
Are wtf what kind of quiz is that....I lost brain cells.
this quiz sucked and the names remind me of sick lovers and hobos. :D
this was kinda stupid and weird :/
u guys serious you don't need to do that such a fake rumor
lamya1 -
Mooksiecuddlepoof is your cute nickname, The Amazing Mailbox-Snowflake is your Superhero nickname, Gogo No-Hair is your Villain nickname, Big eye House Crasher is your monster nickname and Gilbonzo-Fig-Cheese cake is your all-out-weird nickname.
What. The. f---.
this quiz=horrible
There all the same
@brooklynllll24, @hotpop, @sweet_569, @cutestgirl4164, @sammy1994 and @barrelracer1599
h i yu guys posted the chain letter you will get kissed... best day ever... F6 thingie i tried it it doesn't work all it did when I pressed F6 was... well actually it did nothing. Just saving yu from taking tons of quizzes yu don't want to take and posting this OVER AND OVER AND OVER again.
BTW, this quiz is awesome!