scolionophobia's Profile

Joined on Dec 27, 2011
Status Level: Senior
scolionophobia's Quizzes
- Should you go to College?[published: Sep 11, 2019]
Hello! Just a little quiz here to get you thinking. College is an expensive higher education system to……
- why dont you guys like one direction?[published: Sep 16, 2012, 6 comments]
okay shoot, try to bring me down, i dont care, i deserve an explanation, i could go on all……
- shut up! gosh -.-[published: Aug 25, 2012, 1 comment]
ughh you are so getting on my nerves you wont stay still for one moment, and you wont shut your mouth! so shut……
- could you surivie my playlist?[published: Aug 21, 2012, 4 comments]
ok well this is my playlist and i listen to some of everything so here you go go have fun and i……
- how much do you know me?[published: Jul 29, 2012, 2 comments]
hehe this should be hard, take this quiz!!! thhis should be the hardest one yet because these might be……
- dumb laws for ohio[published: Jul 29, 2012, 2 comments]
ok, well this is ohio, i will do coolorado next in honor of the masscre. it was really creepy cause i went to……
- dumb laws for california[published: Jul 27, 2012, 9 comments]
ok, this is all about dumb laws for the united states, yesh i am doing all 50 staes ^.^ its a good way……
- people who takes all story quizzes i need your help[published: Jul 24, 2012, 10 comments]
please take the quiz and tell me witch should i do cause i really want to do……
- dumb laws for new york[published: Jul 23, 2012, 1 comment]
ok these laws are pretty stupid but i forgot you can comment if you want me to do more. i am so sorry i……
- dumb laws for arizona[published: Jul 18, 2012, 4 comments]
ok, this is just a dumb laws quiz. it is based off many dumb laws the united states can have. just look to……
- dumb laws for florida[published: Jul 17, 2012, 3 comments]
ok sorry for so long. it will be more of these out and comment of you want me to do your state.i will do……
- dumb laws for illinois[published: Jul 15, 2012, 4 comments]
results dont matter. the quiz simply states the dumbest laws ever dor illinois. the these laws are not……
- a day with one direction 2[published: Jul 12, 2012, 4 comments]
well this is part two to my quiz, sorry if its boring and i tried to have alot of niall in it because……
- everyone who loves one direction come here[published: Jul 09, 2012, 2 comments]
take the quiz take the quiz take the quiz take the quiz take it please pretty please……
- a day with one direction[published: Jul 09, 2012, 6 comments]
this is my first and im tired and i just got my self esteem up so dont put me down, if it was bad say……
- how crazy are you[published: Jul 08, 2012, 2 comments]
ok its a questiondown there asking if you are racist. i put that there because i personally dont like racist……
- :0 i wanna level up too[published: Jul 04, 2012]
well his is like all my other quizzes,pointless you dont have to rate, i dont care about all that, just……
- :( i wanna try somthing[published: Jun 30, 2012, 6 comments]
well i want to make... just go read the quiz, its no use explaining it up here.comment rate……
- ThE rAnDoM QuIz[published: Jun 26, 2012]
well i am a random person so i decide to take this for concideration. its summer. stay safe be happy and dont……
- the best friend quiz[published: Jun 26, 2012]
i dont wanna grow up. i wanna be a toys r us kid, kid, kid, lol well welcome to my bff quiz and this is……
- the long word quiz[published: Jun 26, 2012, 3 comments]
well i did this out of boredom and i need to level up and im going crazy because im going to the pool and……
- friendships never last part 2[published: Jun 26, 2012, 2 comments]
ok so im a new person for love stories so give some slack im the love newb. i this case i make the……
- what color should your eyes be[published: Jun 22, 2012, 1 comment]
wha eye color should you haave.. its not many choices and this quiz is probabily not gonna be……
- friendships never last- part 1[published: Jun 22, 2012, 10 comments]
you are concidered one of the most prettiest girls in school you have brown curly hair but you……
- north carolina heat can kill you[published: Jun 17, 2012, 2 comments]
hey this is another scolionophobia random quiz.. this is a f---in awesome quiz.. if your not a……
- this is all the reasons why i joined gtq[published: Jun 14, 2012]
this is a all yes and no queston quiz.. i made this because i wanted everyone to know i……
- are you like my many multiple personalities[published: Jun 14, 2012]
we were playing this game where you have to give yourself a certain personality and……
- ignore this quiz[published: Jun 14, 2012, 4 comments]
well you disobeyed my orders and took the quiz anyway..i need more ideas to make for quizzes, i couldnt think……
- Which One Of My Pets Are You Mostly Like?[published: Jun 02, 2012, 1 comment]
This quiz is mostly about my pets I've had almost my whole life.. I love the all and……
- you and your crush(i suggest this is only for girls)[published: May 13, 2012, 2 comments]
alright please excuse my typing i type too fast. sorry if this is bad……
- what are you looking at[published: Apr 14, 2012, 2 comments]
bbbbbbooored dont read this this quiz making is gonna take too long omg this is so boredin i need a fun……
- all who are bored come here[published: Feb 26, 2012, 1 comment]
im bored others are bored.. face it we are all bored.if you are bored then take this quiz into……
- Can You Meet Over 200,000 People in One Day?[published: Jan 22, 2012, 1 comment]
Hola que está tomando este cuestionario para ver si puede comeplir con más de……
- are you a good person on the inside[published: Jan 15, 2012, 2 comments]
attempt to read my spanish Bueno, gracias por tratar de tomar la prueba, pero no puedes……
- how much do you know about gotoquiz[published: Jan 07, 2012, 9 comments]
[talks like a swamp lady person who was accually born in Asia] yer thinks yer knows thiseh……
- how much are you like me[published: Jan 04, 2012, 2 comments]
take the quiz you can skip this. reading this would be wasting your life. dont waste your life doing……
- could you write a book[published: Jan 04, 2012, 5 comments]
there is some out there who would love to be an author. lets see if you have that special quality that……
- how much do you enjoy mustaches[published: Jan 03, 2012]
mustard more may next find date details general name said she ain't there so first……
- What Cartoon Charecter [out Of These] Are You?[published: Jan 01, 2012, 4 comments]
I hope you like it because its a fun quiz all about cartoons all sorts of……
- the hardest quiz[published: Dec 30, 2011, 5 comments]
oh man i hate these paragraphs so imma just coppy some things from the top or something you san skip this YOU……
scolionophobia's Recent Posts
"candyman. sorry"
"i actually would but i dont feel like typing 14 years down but im pretty sure ive written it somewhere else"
"I think he does exist, but i dont believe he should be held of such high power because Christianity is supposed to be about peace and love, ..."
"the candymsn. i fell asleep and it had way too many details for it to be a horror film"
"When your girlfriend tells you to watch a tv show you might as well watch it."
"Talking, and I play the piano. Also, I've been told I make people laugh a lot."
"Same though, collaborations with artists in general seem to always be my favorite"
"Please? I'd really appreciate it"
"Or do we still have to ask gtq guy I'm gonna delete this because people from school are starting to find this holy c"
"C'mon - panic at the disco This is gospel - panic at the disco Diana - one direction Somewhere"
"One direction Panic at the disco All time low"
"As a fan, I'm not going to get much into this, but, it's hard to find a good pap now a days. "
"Instant love, they've helped me, alot"
scolionophobia's Recent Quiz Comments
"onision sent me here"
1 -
"ppfftt, aced it"
1 -
"100%.. i regret nothing"
1 -
"For the hate box I didn't click one, there was no none box, but I loved it so much!! Ha I got Zayn"
1 -
"Yes!!!! I beat you!!!!"
1 -
"17% yay!!!!! Haha, but I didn't get the cover question so I just clicked anything, so yah."
1 -
"I love 1D, btr are good. I never heard of all time low, I'll look them up later"
1 -
"Hahar I'm 50% drunk. "
1 -
"This wasnt god. But since I clicked that I would comment so yeah."
1 -
"PETA!!!!! Ahh I love that smexy mofo "