Derpface's Profile

Joined on Mar 6, 2014
Status Level: Advanced
Derpface's Quizzes
- Five nights at Freddy's 1-3 quiz[published: Mar 21, 2015, 3 comments]
Think you know Five Nights at Freddy's 1-3? Prove it.…
- How well do you know me(derpface)[published: Feb 18, 2015, 3 comments]
Do you know me. I am going to type random letters. Gr b tv t v tb rh bvrg j ryj j ryh ry hh……
- Zombie survival rate quiz[published: Mar 18, 2014, 4 comments]
Zombies are around every corner, this quiz will determine if you will survive, die, or turn into a……
Derpface's Recent Posts
"well f---...never mind....jinx left...."
"THAT IS RIGHT! DERPFACE IS ACTUALLY HERE TO STAY! Yes iv'e been on from time to time, but now im ready to devote myself back to gotoquiz...."
"Ginryu ran at hyper speed a long distance away from the train. He knew there was a hunter on board, plus the train had hellfire missles, and..."
"(great) A large wolf stalked the train about a mile behind. He was watching the train, it would be an easy target if not for "
"(bump) markis chased after her"
"( start...preferably on a train to apex city but go for anything)"
"(some time when the movie trailer was realeased)"
"Folk: Human name: Blackrose Zapotec*** name: Ginryu Human looks: "
"(ps vincent`s name has been released, its charles cooper.)"
"Amy did a sigh of relif.."i needed that" she said"
"OK, im about to go anyways but still, Ill be back 11:30-ish)"
"(YEP!!! when i saw that you left for a while i did too because i really dont come on when you not here but i lost track of time and stuff, a..."
"The rp is simple, Everything when to s---, its 2266, and 250 years ago, a mysterious anomaly, Called the disarray, Caused deadly creatures t..."
Derpface's Recent Quiz Comments
"Why you no add me"
1 -
"I got yes you would.
NOw plz date me
(I not sure am I am serious or not)"1 -
"i got 100"
1 -
"Smosh is a comedy group.
why u no good ones like Markipler"1 -
"I`m nathen
Leverage is awesome"1 -
"Slam bam in a can 100 percent."
1 -
"I got slim even though a different quiz said a I am chubby."
1 -
"I am a brawl geek. Yeah"
1 -
"I have an 87 percent chance of dating you. Wow!!"
1 -
"I will meet my true love after I am done taking a poop, wow."